U-Pick Sunflowers

  • Step 1: Tools

    Bring a bucket from home to carry your sunflowers home in.

    We recommned bringing a pair of clippers/scissors as we only have a limited supply.

  • Step 2: Cutting

    Pick out what flower you want to cut and clip at the bottom of the stem.

    We asked you do not cut closed flowers. The earliest you want to cut is at signs of petal lift.

  • Step 3: Water

    After picking fill up your bucket with water for your ride home.

    Rinse clipper blades

  • Step 4: Checkout

    Return borrowed clippers to the stand & checkout!


Traditional Sunflowers


Peredovik; Pollen

Premium Sunflowers


Procut series; Pollenless

Grab n Go Flowers

Half Dozen Bouquets- $15

Bundles of 3-$7.50

By the stem-$1.00-$2.00

Photography Passes

Blue Basket Farms offers diverse beautiful backdrops for your next photography session.

Day Pass $15 Per Person Including Photographer | Season Pass $150 (photographer and clients included)

Season passes are non-refundable. Day passes may be compensated due to weather.

You may access the property anytime during business hours. Hours currently vary, please contact the farm via facebook if you need to schedule a session outside our daily hours. (excludes Sundays)

Hours are weather permitting! For more information feel free to call the farm or message us on Facebook!

Do I need a Photography Pass?

Photography passes are for anyone using a “professional” camera. Ex. SLRs or DSLRs. Cellphones do not require a photo pass.

FS 570.89(2)

Under Florida law, an agritourism operator is not liable for injury or death of, or damage or loss to, a participant in an agritourism activity conducted at this agritourism location if such injury, death, damage, or loss results from the inherent risks of the agritourism activity. Inherent risks of agritourism activities include, among others, risks of injury inherent to land, equipment, and animals, as well as the potential for you to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your injury, death, damage, or loss. You are assuming the risk of participating in this agritourism activity.